Subaru Legacy

since 1990-1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Subaru Legacy
+ 1.1. Identification numbers
- 2. Maintenance
   2.1. Introduction
   2.2. Technical characteristics
   2.3. Frequency of service
   2.4. Check of level of engine oil
   2.5. Level of cooling liquid
   2.6. Level of brake fluid and liquid of the drive of coupling
   2.7. Liquid for a windshield washer
   2.8. Check of the accumulator
   2.9. Tires and check of pressure in tires
   2.10. Check of level of oil in the automatic transmission
   2.11. Check of level of liquid in the amplifier of steering
   2.12. Replacement of oil and oil filter
   2.13. Check and service of the accumulator
   2.14. Accumulator charging
   2.15. Check of the cooling system
   2.16. Check of hoses, tubes and their replacement
   2.17. Check and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   2.18. Shift of tires
   2.19. Check of a suspension bracket and steering
   2.20. Check of the exhaust system
   2.21. Check of level of oil in the transmission and the main transfer
   2.22. Check of level of oil in differential (the main transfer)
   2.23. Check of the brake system
   2.24. Check of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   2.25. Check of the emergency brake
   2.26. Check of fuel system
   2.27. Replacement of the fuel filter
   2.28. Check and replacement of a driving belt
   2.29. Check of a free wheeling of a pedal of a brake
   2.30. Check of a free wheeling of a pedal of coupling
   2.31. Check and replacement of spark plugs
   2.32. Check of high-voltage wires
   2.33. Check and adjustment of turns of idling
   2.34. Replacement of the air filter
   2.35. Check and replacement of the valve of ventilation of a case (PCV)
   2.36. Check of system of catching of vapors of fuel
   2.37. Check of system of repeated combustion of exhaust gases (EGR)
   2.38. Service of the cooling system
   2.39. Replacement of brake fluid
   2.40. Replacement of oil in the automatic transmission
   2.41. Replacement of oil in the mechanical transmission
   2.42. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves
   + 2.43. Main malfunctions
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Exhaust system
+ 7. Systems of start, ignition
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Coupling, shaft
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Suspension bracket
+ 12. Steering
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment


2.16. Check of hoses, tubes and their replacement


Check of metal pipelines about the fuel tank

The arrangement of metal pipelines is specified by an arrow.

High temperatures in a motor compartment can lead to deformation of rubber and plastic hoses therefore their periodic check and replacement is necessary.

For fastening of hoses on connections it is recommended to use screw collars instead of spring which are less reliable.

Unknown leak of liquids

If there are signs that there is a leak of any liquid, but you cannot distinguish type of liquid or an exact origin, then it is necessary to leave the car for long time and to put a big piece of paper or a rag under the car. It will help to find the place of course of liquid, and also will help to identify the followed liquid on color. But keep in mind that some leaks can be shown only at the working engine.

Fuel hoses

Precisely to define fuel leak very difficult until leak becomes essential and, therefore, is easily visible. Fuel tends to evaporate quickly as soon as it contacts with air, especially in a hot motor compartment. Small drops can disappear before you are able to define the place of leak. If you suspect that there is a leak of fuel in the field of a motor compartment, then cool the engine and start it, it cold at an open cowl so far. Metal elements tend to contract in a cold state, and rubber hoses tend to be weakened so any leaks will be more obvious while the engine heats up from start from a cold state.

Carefully check all rubber hoses and metal fuel-supply lines departing from the fuel tank. Check the weakened connections, worn-out hoses, the twirled fuel-supply lines and other damages. Pay special attention to pipes of ventilation and hoses which are often overwound around a hose of a jellied mouth and can be blocked, doing a tank difficult filled. Follow toplivopodayushchy and returnable hoses to a forward part of the car, carefully examining them completely on signs of damages or corrosion.

Vacuum hoses

In spite of the fact that the brake system hydraulic, the amplifier of brakes increases the effort made for a brake pedal, using the vacuum in an inlet collector created during the operation of the engine. Vacuum is transmitted to the amplifier through a hose of big section. Any leakage of this hose reduces efficiency of the brake system.

Leak in a vacuum hose means that air is sucked in in a hose, but does not come out a hose, and it does leak very difficult for detection. The method of detection consists in using an old vacuum hose as some kind of stethoscope. At the same time you hold one end of a hose close to an ear, and use other end to explore the area around alleged leak. When the end of a hose directly is over the place of leak, the hissing sound will be clearly heard through an additional hose. It is necessary to avoid contact with hot and moving details as the engine when checking has to work. Replace all found untight vacuum hoses.

Metal pipelines

For replacement it is necessary to use only steel tubes as copper or aluminum tubes do not provide sufficient durability.

Metal pipelines are often used in fuel system. Check that the pipeline was not pressed, deformed, had no cracks and traces of corrosion (see rice. Check of metal pipelines about the fuel tank).

Metal brake pipelines also have to be checked for existence of cracks and density of connections carefully. At detection of traces of brake fluid it is necessary to check a condition of the brake system immediately.