1. Clear a back part of a connecting rod and the place of its installation in a rod and a cover of a rod. |
2. Clear a conrod neck of a bent shaft and without lubricant establish a rod with an insert on a bent shaft. |
3. Check that the tag on a rod is directed to a forward part of a bent shaft. |
4. For check of a working gap of the bearing of the lower head of a rod use the Plastigage method. In this case the round plastic core which contracts between an insert and a neck of a bent shaft is used. |
5. After removal of a cover of the conrod bearing the deformed plastic core is measured by a special template which is available complete with Plastigage. |
6. The procedure for Plastigage use following. Establish without lubricant rods on a bent shaft. Necks of a bent shaft and inserts have to be absolutely pure and dry |
7. Cut off several pieces of a plastic core of Plastigage (they have to be slightly shorter, than width of the main bearings) and establish on each neck of a bent shaft. Establish covers with the lower inserts and tighten fastening bolts the required moment. |
8. Unscrew the lower cover of a rod, remove it and apply the large-scale ruler printed on packing to the deformed plastic core. Comparing width of the deformed plastic core to control width on a large-scale ruler, determine gap size. |
9. In conclusion carefully clear Plastigage-material traces from inserts and a bent shaft. |
10. Apply a thin film of engine oil on the working surfaces of conrod bearings and establish a rod on a neck of a bent shaft. Establish the lower cover of a rod and tighten fastening bolts the required moment. |
11. Similarly establish other rods on a bent shaft. |